Health and Wellness

Homemade Prickly Heat Soap

With the coming monsoon everyone is having ghamoriya that is heat Rash. There are number of prickly heat powder available in the market which helps in relieving ghamoriya. There are many home remedies to treat heat Rash. Today I am here with one of home remedies of homemade prickly heat soap. Even we are using natural antiseptics like neem, mint etc which are really very beneficial for us from ages.


Homemade prickly heat soap


  • 250 gms soap base
  • 1/2 tbsp dried pudina (mint)
  • 1/2tbsp dried neem
  • 1tbsp mint soap fragrance

Procedure for making soap

  • Take the soap base in a vessel and put it on the gas so that it melts
  • When it melts remove it from the gas
  • Add pudina, neem and mint soap fragrance in it.
  • Put the ready mixture in the container you want to set them. Even you can use the moulds that are used for baking if you don’t want to to set it in a big container
  • When the soap is set demould it. If you have set it in a single container then you can cut into desired shape you want.

NOTE do not touch the the mixture when you are going in the container until it is set. Even your finger Impressions will come on the soap if you will touch so if you want neatness in your work so you have to wait patiently

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