Health and Wellness

Alkaline Food For Your Body

Do you know that our body functions best in the alkaline state as it is designed to be alkaline. Unfortunately, most of us intake acidic food like processed and canned food , junk food etc which result in many disease like heart disease, a stroke, cancer, skin disorders, auto-immune conditions, allergies and the list goes on. The solution to this problem is adding alkaline foods to our daily diet, which will help balance the pH level of the fluids in your body. And today’s l will tell you the best alkaline foods that you should be eating everyday. Here is the list of some Alkaline Food For Your Body

Alkaline Food For Your Body
Alkaline Food For Your Body

Alkaline Food For Your Body

Lemon: Lemons have minerals which are extremely alkaline in nature , such as potassium, and magnesium that have alkalizing effects on your body. Lemons have citric acid in them which is highly acidic in a natural state, but once eaten, the citric acid gets metabolized and has a awesome alkaline effect on our body. Lemons are a excellent source of calcium, iron and vitamins (A, C and B-complex) , pectin fibre and carbohydrates. It also has antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting powers. Apart from having a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body, lemons help improve digestion, aid weight loss, support skin health, boost immunity and prevent infections. We can add lemons in lemonade, salad etc

Cucumber: Cucumbers are alkaline as they can quickly neutralize acids and aid digestion. It is rich in vitamins (K, C and various B vitamins) , copper, amino acids, carbohydrates, soluble and insoluble fibre, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, biotin and silica. The best part is cucumbers are really low in calories. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cucumbers help to reduce risk of heart disease, improve digestion, lower blood sugar levels and fight different types of cancer. Being high in water content, they also keep your body hydrated. Best way to have cucumber is add in salad or have as it is.

Beet Greens: Although beet greens are not popular green in our diets but they are high alkalinity score. It is one of the best additions to smoothies or stir-fries. beet greens also help to stimulate bile production to help you better digest fats. The best way to have beet is to replace any green in salads, soups or smoothies.

Bananas: Bananas are also a rich source of fiber, which helps in digestion and removing toxins out of our digestive tract. They not only aids in digestion but also has an antidepressant properties. Banana is a whole some diet but most of us avoid them due to high content of sugar in it to prevent weight gain. But banana is far better than all dessert, chocolate, icecream etc. We can make smoothies, shakes, fruit chat etc out of it.

Tofu: Tofu is an alkaline food obtained from soybeans. Its beneficial effects can be similar to soy based products. Tofu is in low calorie, but a rich source of protein , iron and isoflavones which can be protective against age related heart and brain disease. We can replace paneer with tofu. For my tofu recipe just follow the link

Watermelon: Watermelons usually gain popularity as a part of our daily diet during the summer. But there is no reason why we should not make it a part of your daily diet throughout the year. It is not only loaded with water and nutrients like vitamins and minerals. It is best antioxidants which makes it a powerful Anti-cancer fruit. The high fiber content present in watermelon is good for easy at bowels movement and a healthy heart.

Kale: Kale is one vegetable everyone hate but it is one of the most alkaline foods. This is because kale is full of energy. It is rich in vitamins A, E and C, this green leafy vegetable is also highly alkaline. Kale is also rich in flavonoids, which are a group of nutrients specific to plants that are thought to be the reason vegetables are so nutritious. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Blueberries: When you consume blueberry daily it reduced the risk for heart diseases by up to 15 percent. Further, blueberries possess antioxidant properties, meaning that they reduce the oxidative stress on your bodies that can lead to poor aging and improve brain health. You can enjoy this antioxidant rich alkaline food as add on for smoothies and salads

Apricot: Apricots are high in alkalinity when they are eaten raw but their alkalinity touches the sky when eaten dried. Even eating soaked dried apricot is really very good. A dried apricot taste so good that we eat too many which can add too many calories, so be conscious before eating.

Green beans: Green beans are popular throughout the year. They taste great and can be included easily in most recipes due to their mild flavor. Green beans have a very high silicon content which are really needed by connective tissue and bones. It may be included in our diet on form of vegetables or included in number of snacks.

Avocados: Avocados help flush out acidic waste from our body and promote a more alkaline environment in our body. Avocados contain dietary fibre, folate, potassium, selenium, a good amount of healthy fats, vitamins K, C, B5 and A. They also contain powerful antioxidants like beta-carotene and more. It helps in reducing weight , fight inflammation, improve heart health and boost heart health.

Garlic: garlic is another alkaline food that encourages overall good health. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties as main compound is allicin in it. It has nutrients including vitamins B1, B6 and C, manganese, calcium, copper, selenium and many others. Garlic aids detoxification by increasing production of glutathione that helps filter toxins from your digestive system. It promotes heart health, boosts immune health, lowers blood pressure and supports liver functioning. It can be included in our diet by adding a flavor to our routine meals. It is really good to have one garlic clove first in the morning empty stomach.

Almonds: Most nuts are healthy but almonds are among the healthiest. Its calcium, proteins and iron content so it can keep us full after eating just one handful. It is a great weight loss food as well as an excellent alkaliser. We can also substitute regular milk with almond milk to get an even bigger nutritional boost. Almond benefits don’t stop at just making your diet more alkaline. The best way is to have soaked almonds daily in the breakfast.

Cayenne Peppers: Another amazing high-alkaline food is cayenne pepper. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammation benefits. This combination makes it prefect for fighting off toxins from our body. It aids in digestion and metabolic function and has mood-boosting properties. It has the ability to increase endorphins in our body.

Jalapeno: Jalapenos are a fantastic addition to an alkaline diet. It maintain a healthy pH level of our body. They help to support our endocrine system and prevent free radicals in the body.

Start having these Alkaline Food For Your Body and see the changes

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